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Pest Control Liverpool

Our Liverpool pest removal branch covers the City of Liverpool and the surrounding area.
Contact us today for a free survey and a no-obligation quote. We can give you our professional opinion and send a surveyor out to assess the problem. Call us on: 0151 294 3168.

Commercial Pest Control Liverpool

Pests can pose a serious problem to any business, causing damage and potentially carrying life-threatening diseases. That’s why it’s so important to be able to trust an effective and professional commercial pest removal service. At Pest Solutions Liverpool, we offer an extensive range of commercial pest removal services to find a solution to any pest problem you might have.

As with all of our services, we can provide you with a free, no-obligation survey to assess your pest problem and give you the information you need. We can also tailor our services to the needs of your business, providing the best possible solution.

At Pest Solutions Liverpool, we focus on integrated pest management, delivering sustainable and long-lasting pest removal and prevention. All of the services we offer aim to fully control the pest problem, making it extremely unlike for reinfestation to occur. When we survey the pest problem, we look at the infestation itself before determining how we can reduce the risk of future reinfestation. This integrated pest management plan includes expert advice on how to prevent pests from returning and practical solutions in the form of proofing and deterrents. We can apply biological and chemical control methods to fully eliminate any pest presence on the site.

When we prepare our commercial pest control, we always tailor it to the specific needs of our client and their business. Our packages are designed to meet individual needs and consist of surveys, scheduled visits, follow-ups and call outs. We can also provide educational material to help give you and your staff the tools needed to prevent pests from returning.

If you’re interested in our services and are currently experiencing pest issues, we can arrange for a free pest risk assessment. One of our Liverpool branch account managers will be able to visit your business for a risk assessment and site inspection to give you information about current or possible pest threats. The visit will give you a no-obligation proposal that includes details about the best solution for your business. Our account manager will take into account the needs of your business and will work with you to protect your business and its reputation along with your staff.

Businesses need to be warier than ever of pests and their potential problems. Consumers have high expectations when it comes to quality assurance, and safety and many businesses also have an obligation to perform frequent pest control to comply with safety regulations. The food industry, in particular, has to be extra careful about pests where a pest problem can put people’s health at risk.

Our pest control services take us to a wide range of different commercial properties, including food manufacturing sites, cafes, warehouses, hotels, restaurants, takeaways, school, pub and much more.

Our Pest Control Plus service is specifically designed for areas where pest control is of high importance. This includes audited sites such as food manufacturing plants, and our pest control service provides and exceeds the recognised audit standards. With this in mind, we provide a level of service that goes above and beyond what’s expected and ensures that a high level of safety and satisfaction is provided.

In recognition of the work we’ve achieved, Pest Solutions Liverpool was recently nominated for the UK Pest Management Awards (PMA) for the Best Company award. In this category, we finished in the top five companies in the UK, showing us that our approach to the industry is the right one. We always make sure to bring excellent value and high-quality service to our customers, and our main objective is to deliver customer satisfaction. A lot of our business comes from customer recommendations, so making sure that you’re happy with our service is very important to us. We can help you choose the best service package for you and your needs, and we’ll always be on hand to offer our expertise.

Domestic Pest Control Liverpool

Pest infestations are more common than you might think. Pests in the home can occur for a variety of reasons, and if left to themselves, can quickly become a serious problem. Even the cleanest of homes can develop a pest problem, so it’s important to always deal with them quickly and effectively. A Liverpool pest control issue can be distressing, but we’re here to offer our expertise and guidance on common pest issues.

Whether the pest problem is insects such as ants or wasps or rodents such as rats or mice, no pest problem can be understated. Pests can cause a nuisance and form a lot of people, can be quite distressing. Our highly trained team of pest controllers are always ready to help remove unwanted pests and prevent them from returning. We’ll help you to take back your home and let you feel comfortable in your own home again.

At Pest Solutions Liverpool, we offer all of our customers a free survey that comes with zero obligations. We’ll visit your home to assess the problem and give you advice on how to proceed and the best solutions for you. The survey is carried out by our highly trained technicians who have the proper accreditation to perform their job to the highest standards. Our technicians will be able to identify the source of the problem and help formulate a strategy to eliminate them quickly and safely. We’ll also give you advice on how to prevent pests from returning to your home after we’ve gone.

Our pest control treatments take your needs into account and are carried out by a fully qualified and insured expert. We know that pests are an uncomfortable problem which is why we always ensure we carry out the treatment as quickly and discretely as possible. We want you to have peace of mind and are here to eliminate the problem entirely so you can get back to your normal life.

Pest Bird Control Liverpool

While we may not always consider birds as a type of pest, they can pose serious health and safety risk as well as causing severe damage to building and properties. This damage can build up over time and can become irreversible, leading to expensive repairs. Our specialist Liverpool bird control team are on hand to help prevent and control any bird-related pest issues.

Bird droppings can be a source of millions of harmful bacteria as well as those that carry major diseases. On top of that, it can potentially lead to slips and falls and may even cause stains and damage to brick, stonework and paint. This can have lasting effects on how an area looks, leading to unsightly looking buildings and roads.

Because these bird dropping, otherwise known as guano, carry moisture, they can become heavy when deposited in a large quantity. This further increases the risk of damage to buildings and can also become a breeding ground for other types of pest such as insects.
Feral pigeons are a large nuisance in many areas, but larger birds such as seagulls can also lead to issues too. As well as leaving harmful droppings, gulls can become highly aggressive when breeding, attacking people and potentially leading to accidents.

The feral bird population in Liverpool has increased lately, and both gulls and pigeons are becoming more of a nuisance than ever. As their numbers increase, the risks and problems associated with them increase too, causing damage and leading to health issues. People and buildings have to be protected from these birds and gulls, and pigeons throughout Liverpool and the surrounding area need to be controlled.

Effective pest management for birds includes:

  • Bird netting systems
  • Spikes and wire systems
  • Laser deterrent systems
  • Electronic bird scarers
  • Falconry for pest control

When you contact us with a pest control problem, we can carry out a free survey. Our survey will determine the scale of your problem, assessing the site and providing you with details on how best to proceed. We’ll go over the options available to you in dealing with the problem and also provide advice on how to protect your building from future problems with pest birds.

In a lot of cases, bird species are protected by law, and a special licence may need to be acquired before any work can be carried out. We can provide advice and assistance on the proper licencing, ensuring that any pest control measures are legal and that you’re not unknowingly breaking the law.

Give us a call today to speak to one of our team and find out more about the service we offer. You can arrange for a free, no-obligation survey and quote, helping you understand your options when it comes to pest bird removal.

Professional Liverpool Pest Prevention Service

For pest control services, high-quality results and professionalism are essential traits, as is great customer service. We pride ourselves on delivering all three, offer complete pest control solutions that offer better value for money and faster results than our competitors. When compared to Liverpool city council, our results speak for themselves, and we are always available for fast call outs and all manner of pest problems. We place great importance on delivering excellent service and customer satisfaction as we rely on recommendations to find new business.

As a statement of our professionalism, all of our employees are active members of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), which is the leading trade association for pest controllers in the UK. Through this association, we are audited to ensure we provide the best standard of service and must beet the BS EN 16636 British Standard for Pest Managers.

On top of this, we’re also members of the Confederation of European Pest Management Association (CEPA), and internally, we always make sure that our work is carried out to the highest possible standard. At Pest Solutions Liverpool, we consider our professional and highly qualified staff out greatest asset. We regularly invest in their skills and abilities, ensuring their continued development and knowledge of pest control.

All of our team must hold the relevant RSPH/BPCA Level 2 award as a minimum, and this ensures that they’re capable of delivering safe and effective pest control measures at a variety of different sites. Several of the team members here also hold the BPCA Level 3 award, giving them advanced technician status. As our team continue to develop their skills, they become better at delivering the best possible service to our customers.

Because of our commitment to the best possible standards of service, quality, health and safety, environmental protection and health and safety, we’ve received the following accreditation:

  • BPCA Member Company
  • BS EN 16636 Certified
  • CEPA Certified
  • BPCA Registered
  • Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) Supporter
  • ISO9001 Registered Firm (Quality Assurance)
  • ISO14001 Registered Firm (Environmental Management)
  • Checkatrade Approved
  • SafeContractor
  • CHAS
  • SEPA Licenced Waste Carriers
  • IPAF
  • Fully Insured (£10M Public & Employers Liability Insurance)

What Pests Can We Help to Remove?

Liverpool has close to one million residents within the urban area, and when combined with the proximity to the Mersey, the area has become an ideal place for pests to hide and thrive. The city provides plenty of areas to nest in, and the large number of people, homes and businesses are all ways for resourceful pests to attain food and shelter.

Our team of highly trained pest controllers have the skills and experience to keep unwanted pests at bay and away from your family and business. It’s our job to help protect the city of Liverpool from its many pests, keeping people, homes and businesses safe from the many nuisances that can be found. Whether you’re plagued by cockroaches, rodents, bed bugs, wasps, birds or moths, we offer simple and effective solutions to remove these pests and prevent them from coming back.

Common pests found in Liverpool and the North West area include:

  • Rats – Rats can wreak havoc in any city and are particularly keen on places that are close to the waterside. In Liverpool, rats often scurry around under cover of darkness and love to rummage through bins and general waste containers. They thrive in areas where littering is common and enjoy entering buildings to find additional food. Rats can be a major health risk, carrying diseases such as leptospirosis which can be fatal. On top of this, rats can contaminate food sources and cause damage to buildings and furniture. Signs of a rat infestation include gnawing marks, urine trails, droppings and smell. If you’re suffering from a rat problem, get in touch with us today so we can help.
  • Mice – Mice are another form of rodent that can cause similar problems to rats. Although they’re not as large and don’t cause the same level of damage, they still pose a health risk and will contaminate food and leave marks and damage. Mice can fit through incredibly small spaces, allowing them to easily enter your home and will use their keen sense of smell to uncover any food. We can provide a fast and effective response to remove any mice from your home and stop them from coming back.
  • Ants – Ants such as the common garden ant are tiny insects but can become a big problem. They group together in nests, also known as ant colonies, which are usually found in the soil. While they normally live outside, they can often enter your home in search of food, looking for sugar, in particular, to bring back to their nest. Although DIY treatments are available, they often aren’t enough to eradicate the problem. Call us to make sure your ant problem is resolved properly and to protect your home.
  • Wasps – Wasp nest removal is a careful process because of how dangerous wasps can be. Although most of the time, their stings will just cause a painful reaction, some people can also suffer from a fatal anaphylactic shock. Wasp nests, sometimes known as wasp bykes can often be found in attics, sheds, wall cavities, subfloors and other nooks and crannies. To remove a wasp nest safely, expert knowledge is required, which is where we come in.
  • Bees – Like wasps, bees can cause serious pain and potentially life-threatening reactions through stinging. While they’re less aggressive than wasps, they can be just as dangerous if handled incorrectly. Bees are also vital to our ecosystems and because they’re in declining numbers, need to be protected. We can arrange for any bees nest on your property to be safely relocated to a local beekeeper, protecting you and the bees from harm.
  • Beetles – Beetles come in many shapes and sizes, but two of the most common pest beetles in Liverpool are dermestes beetle and the common carpet beetle. Both of these are examples of general scavengers which feed on hair, skin, food debris and dust. They can be found all over the house and are often at the edge of the floors and walls, where they can be hard to notice. They’re one of the most common types of pest we deal with, and we have lots of experience with safely removing them from the homes of our customers.
  • Cockroaches – cockroaches in the UK are usually either German cockroaches or Oriental cockroaches. These pests are a big problem in cities and will often lurk undetected in dark corners before coming out to feast on crumbs overnight. They breed very quickly, so they need to be dealt with fast to completely remove them and prevent them from taking hold of your home.
  • Bed bugs – bed bugs live off of the blood of their host, biting and sucking like a mosquito only far more irritating. They can multiply rapidly, thanks to fast breeding, and will leave painful and itchy sores all over a person’s body. A bed bug infestation can be a real problem, particularly for hotels where it can cause serious damage to the business. The correct treatment for bedbugs should consist of at least four chemical treatments or heat treatments to fully eradicate any remaining bed bugs and their eggs. We can give our expert advice on the best treatment, and all of our bed bug removal services are guaranteed to prevent reinfestation.
  • Fleas – Like bed bugs, fleas are a type of parasite that lives off of the blood of its victim. Cat fleas are one of the most common types of biting insect in the UK and will quickly spread between people and pets alike. You can often recognise flea bites as a straight line of three bites along the seam of a piece of clothing, across the arm or the leg. Fleas can be taken care of quickly by our fast and effective treatments.
  • Flies – Flying insects are very common in the UK, and there are many different types which often present a nuisance in the home. Whether they’re blue bottle, green bottles, house flies, fruit flies or anything else, we can take care of it.
  • Moths – Moths are considered textile pests as they will cause damage to untreated textiles, destroying them over time. Some moths will also affect raw food ingredients and cause contamination of food sources.
  • Grey squirrels – Grey squirrels are another type of rodent, similar to the rat in terms of the damage that they can potentially cause. Although they’re harmless when outside in their habitat, they can cause a lot of problems if they get into your home. Squirrels gnaw on hard surfaces such as wood furniture, beams and flooring and can also chew through pipes and cables.
  • Rabbits – Our technicians are experts in wildlife management and are able to provide solutions to any rabbit problem you might be facing.
  • Moles – Moles can cause a wide range of problems to gardens and land, undermining the structural integrity of the land and potentially causing injuries to livestock. Chemical pest control is restricted on moles, so traps are usually used to effectively remove the moles from the area.
  • Pigeons – Feral pigeons are usually dealt with using preventative treatments. These include spikes and netting to prevent pigeons from roosting in certain areas.
  • Gulls – Seagulls require a special licence to control as they’re currently protected under UK law. They do pose serious health and safety risks, however, spreading diseases and becoming aggressive during their breeding season. We offer guidance on licencing and treatments, including advice on your best options.

For more information about our pest control services, give our Liverpool branch a call on 0151 294 3168.

What To Expect from Us when You Call Pest Solutions

Whenever you call our office support team, we’re always here to provide information and support on any pest control problem you might be dealing with. When you call us, we’ll always ask a few key questions to determine the scale of the problem and the best course of action.

We’ll first ask you what kind of problem you’re encountering including what you’ve seen or experience and where you saw the pests or signs of pests. These details will help us to determine what kind of pest you’re dealing with and will then allow us to work out a potential treatment plan with you. We can give you our advice and reassurance as well as arranging a visit from one of our technicians to get the pest problem resolves.

In some cases, it may be difficult to assess the problem over the phone, in which case, we can arrange for a free survey from one of the experienced members of our team. By surveying the site, we can get a better idea of the pest problem and how best to deal with it. All of these initial identification surveys are free of charge, but a more in-depth investigative survey may be chargeable at our standard rate of £60+vat. This cost will be refunded against your full cost of treatment if you wish to proceed.

Our free survey is almost always available to come out to you the same day. Our technician will be able to give you a call back for a two-hour timeslot within 24 hours of your booking. Our helpline is available 24 hours a day, but we recommend that you book your domestic pest control service within standard working hours to avoid out of hours call out charges.

Pest Control Near Me in Liverpool

This brand offers pest control services in and around Liverpool including

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National Pest Awards Finalists 2024
Brown Rats
(Rattus norvegicus)
Family – Muridae
AKA – Brown Rat, Common Rat, Norway Rat
Seasons Active
Infestation Risk
Public Health Risk
Property Damage List
Escalation Risk (if left untreated)
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0800 027 2555

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