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0141 280 7323
0131 526 3220
01224 392 304
National Pest Awards
0141 280 7323
0131 526 3220
01224 392 304

Contact Pest Solutions

  • The Pesticides listed below are registered with the (H.S.E) Health & Safety Executive.
  • All of these Pesticides comply with (COPR) Control of Pesticides Regulations and (BPR) Biocidal Product regulations.
  • Only the Pesticides marked “in use” have been used on this site subject to a risk assessment and in accordance with the product label.
RodenticideActive Ingredient% Conc.ColourFormulationHSE / BPR No.File1File2
Contrac All Weather BloxBromadiolone0.005%BlueBlock6718Download File1Download File2
To comply with the Biocide Directives & CRRU, if rodent activity is found, toxic rodenticide will only be used whilst control is achieved. After this, rodenticide will be replaced with non-toxic monitoring methods. Pest Solutions policy is to only use toxic materials when there is a need to do so.
Non ToxicActive Ingredient% Conc.ColourFormulationHSE / BPR No.File1File2
Detex BloxNon-toxic0YellowWax BlockN/ADownload File1Download File2
InsecticideActive Ingredient% Conc.ColourFormulationHSE / BPR No.File1File2
Advion Cockroach GelIndoxacarb0.6%BrownGelUK-2010-0001Download File1Download File2
DisinfectantActive Ingredient% Conc.ColourFormulationHSE / BPR No.File1File2
PX LeptoChlorhexidine & QAC<7.5%BlueLiquid ConcentrateN/ADownload File1Download File2
Get in touch

0800 027 2555

We are open 24 hours 7 days a week to help with all pest related enquiries.

We are open 24 hours 7 days a week to help with all pest related enquiries.

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We are open 24/hours 7 days a week to help with all pest related enqurirs.